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Showing posts from April, 2014

South Africa still singing struggle songs

Reconciliation, according to google dictionary is defined as 
”the restoration of friendly relations, " 

 or “the action of making one view or belief compatible with another”. I was watching the TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Council) sessions, from the SABC YouTube channel where they had the old archives tapings of the sessions. Listening to some of the stories, made me cry, both white and black came with their own stories, of the pain caused by the system of Apartheid in South Africa. I could not help but focus on the white people more, I listened to some of their stories, of how they lost their loved ones as well. My heart bled as I listened to their stories, but I didn’t shed a tear, instead I questioned the motives behind those killings. Black people had suffered so much loss, pain, hurt, hatred and anger. They turned and did the same to the man who was oppressing them and killing them. Was the black mans killing justified?  I watched a movie called “I...