The biggest problem with South Africa and our so called democracy, is that in the 21 years of democracy, we have failed to deal with our past. As we celebrate freedom day in South Africa, whose freedom are we really celebrating? The 45% of people who are still leaving under the poverty line, those who still don't have homes and running water, maybe the social divide in the country, or the high levels of crime and racial hate? Worse yet, are we celebrating the hate of many Afrikans? Our government has failed to restore in 21-years, the pride of being Afrikan to the Afrikan population of South Africa, to restore our history to us; but rather we are still being taught the history of Afrikans/Africans written by the British. We still don't recognise our own, rather we hear of African foreign nationals (perpetuated by government and media). What is a Afrikan foreigner in SA? there is no such thing. South Africa its self is geographical position within Afrika, it is not even the...
I write what I feel. These are my thoughts expressed through words. Focussing on issues of blackness and me.