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Showing posts from May, 2016

Womenist call / Afrikan Feminism

Social change when it comes to gender issues can only be changed, when women themselves come to the Awakening of their selves. The idea of transformation and policy can only work when women who are in strategic positions within the political, social and economic spheres are able to talk and stand up for themselves. At the moment in South Africa there seems to be number of women in strategic position within the public and government fields, but very few of them are making tangible change in the advancement of women’s right in their constituency. We have political organization that have women’s league, who have not utilized their positions in the leagues to advance the general South African woman rights.   As a woman who  is involved in youth politics and activism, it worries me when still I cannot find adequate writings and books on Afrikan woman, who where part of the movements to liberate South African, woman in Afrikan stories of liberation have no names, rather there a...

Does my blackness ofend you

Does my blackness offends you?  Because i am Black blessed with the most beautiful kinky hair i know. My hair can withstand all weathers and storms and still it stands with me.  Created for the continent that was displaces with me in it and which i was displaced from as a slave. See my hair tells of roots that are so hard to remove, only slavery or dehumanizing conditions of my mind,  soul and body can make me hate my own beauty.   When my beauty is seen as less and unreal, i te nd to look in despair kanti what did i do? It's ok, because your whiteness offends me, see i cannot beat around the bush, smile and weave as you pass by me ,  holding your nose in the air, because our society has allowed your skin to think its better than mine. Your whiteness offends me, because its your whiteness that has removed my blackness from my own sisters head,  to aspire for a whiteness that is seen as beautiful and majestic. Your whiteness offends me, becau...

Gender Policies In African States

Introduction. I want to focus on Modern gender policy development, making reference to the Women in Development (WID) projects and the Gender and Development projects within Tanzania and South Africa. Gender issues have always been part of Afrikan transformation and transitions, in the fight for Afrikan states to be liberated. There seemed to be a forgotten cry and plea for women’s rights and liberation. Afrikan states drove hegemonic and patriarchal liberation movements and failed to acknowledge women as critical role players in the struggle and fight for liberation of Afrikan states. Women have had to themselves fight for recognition in these new democracy’s and liberal states. While we can read about great Afrikan liberal and struggle heroes throughout the continent, the likes of Thomas Sankara Burkina Faso, we speak of Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, and Oliver Tambo amongst many others. Female who too played critical roles in these liberation movements and policy dr...

Student movements where are they now

  October 2015   will be always be remembered as the month that students post 1994 made the biggest mark in South African (if not Afrikan) history. The eventful weeks of the student uprising began with a documentary from Stellenbosch University “Luister”, of Students who were calling out the university out on its racist language policies and the racism within the institution. This was followed by UCT students calling for the fall of the colonial statues of Cecil Rhodes on the university campus.   The statue represented the colonial rule and legacy, of black hurt and lived experience of the Afrikan person (#Rhodesmustfall). This would only be the launching pad of what was to follow. Students from all over the country became “woke” (awakened) to the reality of the African student and there position in the former apartheid universities. The announcement of the 2016 fee increment in universities around South Africa, was met with a response from the students of WITS ...