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Showing posts from August, 2014

The African boy

 Africa has more then just the African woman to fight for, it has to fight for the African boy, who has to become the African man. However with no one making sure that the African boy is freed from the hegemonic ideologies of the continent, women like myself will still have to fight for the African woman and the woman in general.

Opinion piece Malaika Wa Azania Memoirs of born free

Opinion piece Malaika Wa Azania Memoirs of born free My take: by Sinazo Mtshengu On Tuesday 19 August 2014, Canrad hosted a book launch “ Memoirs of a born free” by   Malaika Wa Azania. A socialist activist who is fighting for issues affecting the African continent. I am impressed by Malaika, she is confident in her views and she knows what she is fighting for. At the age of 22 many young people are still trying to figure out what their course is. She seemed very secure in her views and unapologetic. She is firm in her ideals of blackness, fighting for the majority that is black, poor and African. Malaika seemed radical to me, but she is fighting for a cause she believes in and her cause is economic freedom for Africa, for the deconstructing of western ideologies in African minds and the freedom to be black for Africans. In a country that is torn apart by economical hierarchy and class, Malaika is challenging the institutionalised county of South Africa and the African...

Being Black is Not a Sickness

ok, so my friend was telling a story where her little four year old sister was being naughty, to scare her, she told her that she would take her to a black school, she used the idea of being in a black school to scare her four year old sister!. When did being with black people become a scare tactic for little kids, the irony is that my friend is also black, so her four year old is also black sister is being i ndirectly told black schools are for bad people. I don't understand how we as black people started looking at each with ideas that there are those who are less, because of where one goes to school or is from. These ideas that the past government has installed in our minds need to be erased. The only reason i could afford to get out of the so called "black schools" is because my parents were blessed enough to have had jobs and an education. I think of my two older sisters who too started at what we call "black schools" and many others who are in my classes...

Women take Lead

We as women need to start taking up leadership positions and start leading everywhere we are. I was sad when i was in a conversation with some of my colleagues, and they told me that they where not ready for a female president in our university, on the bases of gender alone. A good leader is not based on gender rather her abilities and capabilities. A soon as we as a society move away from making leadership gender base, we can see a new wave of leadership rising, a type of leadership that is chosen on merit of their potential and ability to lead. That is why i am an advocate for great leadership and i am an activist for women to not be afraid of taking leadership positions, that are stereotyped  as male positions. there is no male position when it comes to leadership, rather there is a leadership position, that needs to be filled by someone who is capable.