The South African education system is not failing because the teachers are bad or that the students are slow. The problem is the curriculum. In a country that has a majority that is African, using the Western and colonial education system, which the majority of the students consuming it have no relation to, is problematic. The government of South Africa is still one that is colonized, therefore it is difficult for them to teach anything outside their colonial master’s ways. Looking at Africa’s best education system Zimbabwe (with the highest literacy rating, according to The African Economist), we notice that its curriculum is Afrocentric, the students are taught with examples and context that is relatable to them, of cause the country does have European langue’s that are used in teaching, such as Germen and English, they also have Latin and use Native languages in township and rural schools, Shona and Ndebele. South Africa is the only country in Africa that ...
I write what I feel. These are my thoughts expressed through words. Focussing on issues of blackness and me.