The South African education system is not failing
because the teachers are bad or that the students are slow. The problem is the
curriculum. In a country that has a majority that is African, using the Western
and colonial education system, which the majority of the students consuming it
have no relation to, is problematic.
The government of South Africa is still one that is
colonized, therefore it is difficult for them to teach anything outside their
colonial master’s ways.
Looking at Africa’s best education system Zimbabwe (with
the highest literacy rating, according to The African Economist), we notice
that its curriculum is Afrocentric, the students are taught with examples and
context that is relatable to them, of cause the country does have European langue’s
that are used in teaching, such as Germen and English, they also have Latin and
use Native languages in township and rural schools, Shona and Ndebele.
While we acknowledge the contribution of the ANC,
there needs to be more focus on African history, African leaders and the great
contribution of the other African states to the liberation movement of this
country. South African students have no idea who some the greatest African
leaders, Sankara, Lumumba, Nkrumah , etc…. there is no perspective on leaders,
Sobukwa, PAC, IFP, UDM, these are all crucial parts of South African and
African history and identity.
There needs to be a 98% African literature in schools,
books written by African authors, examples in math need to be made in reference
to African and South African surroundings. Using huts and kraals, spaza shops
and Afrikan names like Thabo, Zuko and less of John and Ben. This is not to isolate
the white minority, who are already being taught in private schools anyway, who
have true reflection of South Africa.
The honorable president Nelson Mandela once said, “Education
is the most powerful weapon that can change the word.” But you can only change
something if you understand the damage or effect it is causing or it has.
The recent racist attacks and flares in the country,
can also be attributed to the education system, when you teach watered down
history and both white and Afrikan students, do not really understand the
positioning of the country and what was so bad about the history of SA. One
group is bound to fill entitled and fail to understand the anger of another
As with the case of young white South Africans, who
can not understand why they have to be labeled in the same light as their
grandfathers and fathers.
For as long as
they are benefiting from the injustice of the natives and the natives are still
also living under the inherited past of the past government, the country will
never move forward.
Can we then blame the new white generation South
Africans? No, for the problem is with the government that failed to redress the
economic and land issues from the beginning. The biggest mistake made by the
ANC government was allowing the white South African farmers to keep their land,
with no rumination to its real owners, further more for allowing the economy to
remain in white hands.
Can we then say the ANC sold us to the white colonial
master, who are still getting richer from the poverty and pain of South African
natives? No one can be sure if they fully understood the blunder they were
The education system needs to be decolonized and
belong to the African majority who are failing under the current system. This
will help in the low pass rates and help with “Awakening” of the Afrikan
A lecturer of mine once said, and mind you i am paraphrasing here 'if the education system is able to produce an individuals that are able to question it, someone, somewhere is doing right'
ReplyDeleteAmong the fields of brain dead educators-the conquered minds- there are those who are dedicated to truly educating the minds of their students. The educating system in South Africa is doing exactly what it was designed to do, produce educated slaves who will be the working force and the defenders of the elite class. As for our policy makers, well...radicals are silence very swiftly, our history proves that.
Now i am not promoting abolishing this current education system. That will result in a war we are not ready for. Radical transformation without strategy leads to doom. More young people need to realize that the most powerful tool of learning that they possess right now is the internet. Its a place where a person can learn beyond the boundaries set by the educating system. In learning, facilitation is required, and this is the task for those of us who have transcended the boundaries of our education system. This is a great platform that allows the process of learning and felicitation to occur.
In every platform i always aim for one thing above all- inspire the youth to develop the 'mentality of questioning' that the education system actively suppressing.