I just blend in, doing what others do. I try not to look out
of place, they can’t see that I’m different, they can’t see that I’m not from
where they are from. I smile because I have to, I laugh because they are
laughing, at what? I am not quite sure. I try to be normal but what does that
mean, when I don’t have a home to go too after all that smiling and laughing,
when I don’t have food to eat.
It’s difficult to think about the fact that while I suffer
and struggle, there are people my age who aren’t. I wish I was one of them,
those who don’t have to worry about what to eat in the morning or the evening, I
wish I knew where I would go to sleep, when I’m done blending in. what if my
parents were still alive, would this be my life? I guess I will never know.
I am tired of people laughing at me, I’m tired. Even though I’m
tired it won’t help, I still will wake in the morning earlier then everyone
else, I still have to get dressed up and blend in, with an empty stomach and a smile on my face.
I wish I could go to school, I wish I had $2 for this terms school fees,
so I can be like all the other kids and go to school. For now, I will blend in and keep quite in
hopes that no one will notice that I have not paid my school fees, in hopes that I
don’t get kicked out.
I am so young yet because of the HIV/ AIDS virus that has
killed my mother and my father, I find myself having to look after my little
sister, with every cry she screams out, my heart is burdened with the fear of
raising a child while I too am still only a child. Her screeching cry reminds me of the future I may never see, it’s a cry that cuts deeper than any dream I
can imagine for myself, and this is my life.
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