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Showing posts from 2019

Africa is open to the highest bidder

Africa Is Open To The Highest Bidder  By: Sinazo Mtshengu This week I had the pleasure of attending the Africa Investment Forum. I set through the first introductory session. There were a few key notes I took from the forum speakers. However more than taking away how great of an initiative the forum is, the question of the economic gap in Africa was in my head, further the question of who are the beneficiaries of these investments? Upon my interviews with a few Ministers and attendees of the forum, I soon realised that the Forum has good intentions, but serves more the governments (leaders) of the countries in attendance and the already rich elite individuals and organisations on the African continent. With international investors from Europe, China and America, who are already major shareholders in the African economy, this will not change the economic dynamics of the continent, in fact it will promote the continuous exploration of the poor African population. The Afri...

A Black Woman's voice - Poetry

My poems reflect the reality of women in South Africa, this is a collection of black women’s voices, voices that are silenced and those who are lost along the path of recovery, they talk of the pain and struggles that black women are faced with every day. The pain of patriarchy, abuse and struggle. One of the poems speaks of the injustices of the story tellers and books on their denial of acknowledging women who have played a vital role in the struggle movement. These poems are heart breaking and yet eye opening to those who dare to read them and allow themselves to be immersed in these women’s stories and voices. My Crown The world never loved us They look at us as though we are foreign in our own home Being black and a woman has us crying when will it be over They look at us once again as though we don’t belong If not in this land, where? God said a women’s hair is her crown But he never specified which woman he was talking about They looked at our hair an...